Released 13.05.2024
In this Article
In the coming releases, we will focus on Node-System and all connected tasks. Please note, that we will continuously improve and bug fix the application until the next development cycle of new features. See more about the node system in the related release notes coming soon.
Major Improvements
- Improved the process of deleting account
Choosing to delete your account now involves a new process that provides greater insight into the dependencies and consequences. We believe it's crucial for you to understand these consequences, as data is a valuable asset.
- Improvement of overall Security
In line with our philosophy, we place high importance on security and data protection. To uphold these standards, we consistently perform internal security audits. During these audits, steps are taken to enhance our defenses against spam and to fortify the application's resilience.
Minor improvements
- Update of FAQ Section with the newest questions
- Design improvements on transfer Window
- Several mechanisms have been added to enhance the user experience when clicking on a WeSendit link in an email, such as a direct upgrade option.
New Features
- No new features in this release
Bug fixes
General Bugs
- Fixed a bug when importing contacts in address book via CSV (thanks for using the feedback button in our application :))
Web2 Account related
- no specific fixes
Web3 Account related
- no specific fixes
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